This Week’s Travel Update – New Zealand
Take a look at this week’s travel update for New Zealand The NZ Election The election promises continue: New Zealand’s COVID-19 border rules ...
Take a look at this week’s travel update for New Zealand The NZ Election The election promises continue: New Zealand’s COVID-19 border rules ...
Take a look at this week’s travel update for New Zealand New Zealand will introduce a Managed Isolation Allocation System on 5 October 2020. All ...
Read this week’s immigration and visa update here AUSTRALIA Immigration On the 28 th of September, the international passenger cap will be lif ...
Take a look at this week’s travel and border update for Australia VICTORIA No permit or approval is required to enter Victoria from another ...
As of today, the 19th of August, critical COVID-19 work undertaken in the healthcare and medical sectors can be counted as ‘specified work’ for the purpose of applying for a second or third Working Holiday Maker (WHV) visa. To be eligible for a second or third WHM visa, this work must have been undertaken anywhere in Australia after 31 January 2020.
Changes are being made to allow former WHMs who transitioned to a COVID-19 Pandemic Event subclass 408 visa in order to continue critical work in the healthcare and medical sectors to return to the WHM pathway. Work under the COVID-19 Pandemic Event visa will count as specific work towards a second or third WHM visa.
Regulation amendments to bring these changes into effect are currently in progress and further announcements will be available soon.
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The processing of residence visa applications has stopped for the time being.
Of the number received 20,922 EOIs, 4,029 meet the criteria for boarder exemption and have been invited to apply for a visa.
If you have already submitted a residence application, it will remain in the queue and be processed once the border restrictions have been lifted.
If you have not submitted a visa application but wish to, you still can. However, Immigration New Zealand suggests that most applications will not meet the criteria and are unlikely to be processed at this time.
If you have been granted a border exception, a visa application can still be submitted. Again, due to stricter border restrictions exceptions are unlikely to be granted in this instance.
GHS has successfully arranged visa extensions to ensure that our international recruits can travel. This is an everchanging situation so please contact ghs@globalhealth.com.au for more information.
Visit Immigration New Zealand for additional details.
Certain student visa holders may be permitted to work more than 40 hours a fortnight if;
For more information see Temporary relaxation of working hours for student visa holders – https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/student-500/temporary-relaxation-of-working-hours-for-student-visa-holders
Working holiday makers in the agriculture, food processing, health care, aged care, disability care and child-care industries can now work longer than six months with a single employer and will not be in breach of the 8547 Visa Condition.
A Working Holiday Maker (WHM) visa will not be extended but you can apply for a 2nd or 3rd WHM visa. See specified work conditions – https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/what-we-do/whm-program/specified-work-conditions for more information.
WHM visa holders working in the critical sector, who are not eligible for a 2nd or 3rd WHM visa, with a visa that expires in 28 days or less and cannot return home, may apply for a Temporary Activity Visa (subclass 408) Australian Government Endorsed Agreement Event stream (COVID-19 Pandemic event visa)
Please see https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/temporary-activity-408/australian-government-endorsed-events-covid-19 for additional information.
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Other exceptions will be considered case-by-case.
Those traveling to Australia must undertake a mandatory quarantined period of 14 days upon arrival.
Travel restrictions are subject to change, please see https://covid19.homeaffairs.gov.au/ for continuous updates.
Air New Zealand and Singapore Airlines are managing bookings to ensure quarantine facilities are not overwhelmed. Air New Zealand is not accepting any new bookings for the next three weeks. Singapore Airlines is accepting new bookings and monitoring numbers.
Chris Hipkins, New Zealand’s health minister, said that there were 6,378 beds in the country’s 28 facilities and 5,787 were occupied. Another 750 places will be added in the coming weeks as an attempt to combat the influx.
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Recent developments at Immigration New Zealand: The COVID crisis: https://www.immigration.govt.nz/about-us/covid-19/coronavirus-update-inz-response Prior ...