Take a look at this week’s travel update for New Zealand
New Zealand will introduce a Managed Isolation Allocation System on 5 October 2020. All travellers must have an “Isolation Voucher” in order to travel. You must register on the Managed Isolation Allocation System as the first step to securing a place in quarantine upon arrival. You must apply for the Isolation Voucher prior to booking any airline tickets as it will only be issued subject to quarantine accommodation availability. The voucher must be presented at the airport prior to boarding any New Zealand bound aircraft.
New Zealand will allow a grace period between 5 October 2020 and 2 November 2020 (for those who booked flights prior to the introduction of the system) however you are strongly encouraged to get a voucher confirming you have been allocated a place in a managed isolation facility before you board your flight. Travellers who arrive at the airport without a voucher during the grace period will still be able to board their flight however the check-in process will take longer as airline staff will need to work with New Zealand’s Managed Isolation and Quarantine to arrange a place in managed isolation before you board.
- September 30, 2020
- Immigration, News